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Classified Information

Ad Details

Please explain what people need to know about your classified ad. Ads are $15.30 for the first 17 words and 90¢ for each additional word (per week). Please be sure to include your contact information in the text below (unless using a Blind Box ad). Title entered above will be added to your final word count.


Browse and upload a photo to your ad for an additional $7. Images must be in JPEG, PNG or GIF format and no larger than 5MB. Photos will appear black and white in the printed newspaper.

Contact Information

Classified Advertising Rates:

$15.30 base price for the first 17 words; 90 cents for each additional word (per week).

Additional features/upgrades:

MAD ad (headline and contact information in bold text) $2 per issue
Box & Bold ad (bordered box with all bold text) $5 per issue
Blind Box ad (allows you to remain anonymous; we assign your ad a box number and forward all replies to you) $12 for three issues
Add a black & white photo to your ad for $7

Multi-week discounts:

5% discount if you run your ad 3 to 5 times
10% discount if you run your ad 6 times or more

All classified ads appear in the weekly Western Livestock Journal print edition, as well as on

For ad pricing per inch, larger display ads, color options and contractual discounts please call or email our classified department at 800/850-2769,

The classified ad deadline for WLJ’s print edition is the Tuesday prior to publication date at 4:30 p.m., MST.